The Advantages of Loneliness

Many lonely people see their loneliness as something bad. They put themselves down for it, they become saddened by it, and they begin dwelling on negative things. While it is better to spend time with those individuals who are good for you rather than being alone, sometimes you can’t find the right crowd. Don’t let this be something that puts you down, there are actually many benefits to it that I have decided to share with you here.


Personal Growth


Because you’re lonely, there’s not much to focus on other than yourself. You get this time to sort of become aware of your own habits, thoughts, and actions, making it easier to improve those things which result in growth. Usually people who are unaware of such things never get the chance to actually better themselves because their minds are so caught up in the world around them. Through loneliness, you can literally shift your entire life around without anyone getting in your way, because again, you’re lonely.


Spiritual Growth


Though it is unfortunate that many don’t remember Allah سبحانه وتعالي until there comes a time of loneliness or sadness, it is obvious that these feelings bring many Muslims closer to their Creator. So why even try to escape them? Because of the loneliness that you feel, you remember Allah and remember that you are in fact not alone. You remember that Allah is All-Seeing and All-Hearing, He is Who will Aid you and it is only by Him that you achieve anything at all. 


Through this awareness, you become more aware of your own death and the fact that the time that we have on this earth is only temporary. And by this awareness, you seek knowledge of the Deen to make sure your actions are in accordance with the Shari`ah, you live fearing Allah, you ask for forgiveness, you express gratitude, and your desires become according to the values of Islam. This is what any Muslim should want for themselves, having these awarenesses isn’t anything out of the norm, it’s the least we can do as Muslims. So take advantage of your loneliness and train your mind with being aware of The Creator.




Through the quietness that comes from isolation, you get this feeling of stillness. It’s almost like your mind has come to a pause which allows you to be in the present moment. I’m not sure how to explain this feeling but the stillness that comes from loneliness is quite enjoyable. Your mind is calm despite the things you may have going on in your life, and you just feel more grounded.


One huge advantage that we can take from this as Muslims is more presence during salah. Throughout the day, your mind is constantly running, stressing, worrying; so when you come to pray your salah, your mind may still be on those things. Obviously, it shouldn’t, but it’s something that happens to many because of the constant stimulation going on throughout the day. Now when your mind is leveled, you’re grounded; so once you stand to pray, it is much easier for your mind to calm down and focus on your worship. 




When you spend time alone, it is likely that you’ll rely on yourself for many of your own tasks or needs. Basically, whatever you are capable of doing yourself, you do it. You don’t need to depend on others for your needs which is good because it allows you to be less of a burden on others and also makes you not have the burden of depending on others. Of course, all of our capabilities and potential is given to us by Allah سبحانه وتعالي, so we should take that to our advantage and not let the abilities we have been given go to waste.


Having the quality of independence allows you to have more autonomy. You’re able to make your own decisions, set your own goals, plan your own days, all based on your own values and preferences. You have an overall better sense of self and you’re able to take responsibility for your own actions and decisions. 


When you lack independence, obviously, you’ll depend on others. But the downside to that is that you allow others to make decisions for you. Of course, if the person is of a higher status and more knowledgeable, it is better that they do, but I’m referring to bad influences. Because of the lack of the awareness of your own values that you have due to your dependence, you might let the wrong people influence your decisions and desires. You should have enough independence to know what you want and not let others shape who you are.


(For the women: It is of our nature to be dependent on men. Here I’m only referring to the trait of independence).


Creativity & Work-Flow


Boredom definitely comes with loneliness. When there is boredom, there is more space to get creative and do work. You think of more ideas, maybe things that can benefit others, and you actually work on it. A lot of times, people get stuck in the lifestyle of having a regular 9-5, coming home, eating, sleeping, and doing it all over again. This is because they lack that time to discover their creativity and do something new. They don’t realize that their life isn’t limited to just this. When you can get creative and actually work on something that you genuinely have a passion for, your life becomes much more meaningful and purposeful. 


These are a few of the things I have taken as advantages of loneliness. Is there anything you would add to this list or relate to in this article? Let me know in the form below.

4 thoughts on “The Advantages of Loneliness”

  1. Loneliness allows you to meet your hobbies like cooking etc which are hidden and it’s a blessing Al Hamd Lil Allah for eg by reading Naat Sharif I.e to praise beloved ﷺ and we should take benefit of this loneliness and read Durud sharif , also when we get time alone we should organise and clean our surroundings as Taharat is Very Important

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